SEMPACK has selected for you, over the last few weeks, a few key articles to better understand the current issues in the packaging sector. CSR issues, alternatives to plastic, more virtuous packaging… There is no lack of initiatives, but above all, they are exciting and inspiring.
Wood fibre instead of plastic and aluminium
The new plant of the Finnish paper manufacturer Metsä will be dedicated to the production of wood fibre packaging. This is recyclable packaging designed to replace plastic or aluminium versions. The plant is currently under construction, and the first packaging is expected in the last quarter of 2021. The information is reported by the online medium
The End for the “Green Dot” this January.
It will have been of all packaging, regardless of the material. The “Green Dot” was a symbol, perhaps misunderstood by consumers, that the company manufacturing the product and packaging was committed to recycling and better waste management. Unfortunately, it was misleading about the sorting instructions. Its end is therefore announced. The article can be read in Emballages Magazine :